Tokenomics Glossary

Cryptocurrency Lingo Demystified

Tokenomics, the study of the economic systems within cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects, encompasses a wide range of terms and concepts. To help you better understand the language of tokenomics, we’ve compiled a glossary of essential terms that you may encounter when exploring this fascinating field.

The list is sorted alphabetically. 


Airdrop: A distribution method where tokens are given away for free to holders of another cryptocurrency, often as a promotional or marketing tactic.

Automated Market Maker (AMM): A type of decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses algorithms and liquidity pools to automatically determine the price of tokens and facilitate trading without the need for an order book.

Blockchain: A decentralized digital ledger that securely records transactions across a network of computers, ensuring transparency and immutability.

Circulating Supply: The number of tokens currently available and in circulation, excluding those that are locked, reserved, or not yet released.

Cliff: A vesting schedule in which a period of time must pass before vested tokens can be transferred. After the cliff, vested tokens are released at regular intervals until all tokens are transferred..

Consensus Mechanism: The process by which a blockchain network validates and agrees upon new transactions and blocks, ensuring the security and integrity of the system.

Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and operates on a decentralized ledger called the blockchain.

Decentralization: The distribution of power and control within a system, such as a blockchain network, where no single entity has complete authority.

Deflationary Token: A token with a decreasing supply, either through token burns or other mechanisms, which can lead to an increase in its value over time if the rate of demand outpaces the rate of supply reduction.

Governance Token: A type of token that grants its holders the right to participate in the decision-making process of a blockchain project, including voting on proposals, updates, or changes to the platform.

Hard Cap: The maximum amount of funds a project aims to raise during an initial coin offering (ICO) or token sale, after which the sale will be closed.

ICO (Initial Coin Offering) Advisor: A professional or expert who provides guidance and advice to blockchain projects during their initial coin offering (ICO) or token sale, helping to optimize their tokenomics, marketing, and fundraising strategies.

Inflationary Token: A token with a continuously increasing supply, which can lead to a decrease in its value over time if the rate of demand does not keep up with the rate of supply..

Initial Coin Offering (ICO): A fundraising method used by blockchain projects, wherein tokens are sold to early investors in exchange for capital to develop the project.

KYC/AML Compliance: The process of verifying the identity of users and ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, often required for participation in token sales and other cryptocurrency-related activities.

Liquidity: The ease with which an asset, such as a token, can be bought or sold in the market without significantly affecting its price.

Market Capitalization: The total value of a cryptocurrency or blockchain project, calculated by multiplying the current price of the token by the total number of tokens in circulation.

Max Supply: The maximum number of tokens that can ever exist for a specific cryptocurrency or blockchain project.

Merkle Tree: A Merkle Tree, named after its inventor Ralph Merkle, is a data structure used in the context of cryptocurrencies and computer science. It is a binary tree that organizes and verifies data in an efficient, secure, and tamper-proof manner. In cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Merkle Trees are used to store and validate transactions within a block, facilitating efficient and secure verification of large data sets.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Unique digital tokens that represent ownership of a specific asset, such as a piece of digital art or a collectible.

Pre-Minted Tokens: Tokens that are created in their entirety before being distributed to participants, as opposed to being generated over time through mining or other means.

Reserve Ratio: In the context of tokenomics, the proportion of a project's total token supply that is held in reserve or backing the token, typically used to maintain price stability and provide liquidity.

SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens): A contract used by startups to raise funds for a cryptocurrency project, offering investors the right to receive tokens in the future, after the project has been developed and the tokens issued.

Smart Contract: A self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, which automatically executes when the predefined conditions are met.

Soft Cap: The minimum amount of funds a project aims to raise during an initial coin offering (ICO) or token sale to consider it successful, allowing the project to continue development.

Staking: The process of locking up a specific amount of tokens in a wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network, such as validating transactions or securing the network, in exchange for rewards or incentives.

Supply shock: is when a large number of tokens are released due to a vesting schedule, affecting the market price of the cryptocurrency by altering the supply-demand balance.

Token Allocation: The division of tokens among different stakeholders in a blockchain project, such as team members, investors, and advisors.

Token Bridge: A technology that enables the transfer of tokens between different blockchain networks, facilitating cross-chain communication and interoperability.

Token Burn: The process of permanently removing tokens from circulation, typically as a deflationary measure to increase the value of the remaining tokens.

Token Buyback: A process where a project or company purchases its own tokens from the market, typically with the intention of reducing the circulating supply and increasing the value of the remaining tokens.

Token Dilution: The decrease in the value of individual tokens due to an increase in the total supply, typically as a result of new tokens being issued or created.

Token Distribution: The process of allocating tokens to various participants within a blockchain ecosystem, such as investors, developers, advisors, and users.

Token Economics: The study and analysis of the financial and economic factors influencing the performance and stability of a token, including supply, demand, utility, and incentives.

Token Emission Rate: The rate at which new tokens are created or released within a blockchain ecosystem.

Token Faucet: A website or application that distributes small amounts of tokens for free, often used for promotional purposes or to incentivize user engagement.

Token Incentives: Rewards or benefits provided to participants in a blockchain ecosystem, encouraging them to engage with and support the project.

Token Launchpad: A platform that facilitates the launch of new tokens by providing fundraising, marketing, and technical support to blockchain projects.

Token Liquidity Pool: A smart contract-based pool of tokens and their associated assets, facilitating decentralized trading and providing liquidity to the market.

Token Lock-up: A period during which tokens are held in a smart contract or wallet and cannot be sold or transferred, often implemented to stabilize the token's price and prevent large sell-offs.

Token Metrics: Quantitative and qualitative factors used to evaluate the potential success and value of a token, including the total supply, circulating supply, market capitalization, and utility.

Token Mining: The process of generating new tokens through the computational work required to validate transactions and secure a blockchain network.

Token Price Stability: The ability of a token's price to remain relatively stable over time, minimizing fluctuations and providing a more predictable economic environment for participants in the blockchain ecosystem.

Token Supply: The total number of tokens that exist or will exist within a cryptocurrency or blockchain project.

Token Swap: The process of exchanging one type of token for another, often done when a project migrates to a new blockchain or undergoes a significant update.

Token Utility: The purpose or use case of a token within a blockchain ecosystem, which can include governance, access to services, or voting rights.

Token Velocity: The rate at which tokens are exchanged within an ecosystem, typically used as an indicator of the demand for and utility of a token.

Token Wallet: A digital or hardware storage solution used to securely store, manage, and transact with tokens and other cryptocurrencies. Token: A digital asset issued by a blockchain project, typically representing a unit of value, utility, or rights within the ecosystem.

Tokenomics Model: A comprehensive framework outlining the token supply, distribution, utility, and incentives within a blockchain project, designed to optimize the project's economic system and ensure its long-term success.

Tokenomics: The study of economic systems within cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects, including token distribution, supply, incentives, and other factors that influence the success of a project.

Vesting Period: A predetermined period during which tokens granted to team members, advisors, or investors are held and cannot be sold or transferred. This is designed to align the interests of stakeholders with the long-term success of the project.

Yield Farming: The process of earning a return on your cryptocurrency holdings by participating in DeFi (decentralized finance) protocols and lending platforms, often through staking, lending, or providing liquidity.

With this expanded list of 50 tokenomics terms, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the intricate world of tokenomics and blockchain projects. If you need any further information or assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts at The Tokenomics Agency.